Leader by example

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen einem Vorbild und jemandem, der mit gutem Beispiel vorangeht? In der Bildung wie in der modernen Führung gibt es viele widersprüchliche Paradigmen. Eines davon ist: Man lehrt (auch bekannt als zu lernen, wie man andere führt), indem man einem großen Vorbild folgt.

Es stimmt, dass neue Lernformate neue Leute brauchen. Der Unterrichten ist großartig, aber er ist zu eng mit der Überzeugung von gestern verbunden, wie Schulen geführt werden. Wir müssen zum kreativen Diskurs anregen, statt Menschen zu belehren.

Was die Welt sicher nicht braucht, sind noch mehr Zukunftsprediger auf den Bühnen. Wir haben auch genug glatte und geschönte Prominentengeschichten von Menschen, die „unerreichbar“ scheinen. Deshalb ist das klassische Vorbild-Modell auch etwas neben der Spur. Wir wollen nicht, dass unsere Teilnehmer*innen überlebensgroße Figuren imitieren, indem sie deren Verhalten kopieren. Wir brauchen authentische Menschen, die anderen auf Augenhöhe begegnen und ihnen helfen, ihren ganz eigenen Weg zu finden.

Es geht darum, Führungskräfte nicht in ihren Rollen zu zeigen, sondern als ganze Menschen. Sowohl ihre Leistungen als auch ihre Fehltritte als inspirierende Beispiele zu sehen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir beschlossen, nur noch von „Leaders by Example“ zu sprechen. Das mag spitzfindig klingen, aber „die Bedeutung eines Wortes ist sein Gebrauch in der Sprache“, wie Wittgenstein einmal sagte.

Öffne den DAYDACTICS- Leitfaden, um weitere Prinzipien des Lerndesigns und der Entwicklung von Führungskräften zu entdecken.

Dorothée Töreki Shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Dorothée Töreki

Statement: Enjoy the most exciting ride that is your life. From all we know, we have only this one journey.
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Denise deLuca Shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Denise DeLuca

Statement: In Nature, you’re never alone — you’re among.
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Scout Gould shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Scott Gould

Statement: "Hey, nice to meet you. I hope you have a great day :-)"
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Birte Bösehans Shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Birte Bösehans

Statement: Pause. Breathe. Breathe again. And again. Now go on. Or breathe again.
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Kristina Bonitz Shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Kristina Bonitz

Statement: I would never design one. I have no love for ugly, supposedly unique and „ funny“ stickers, whether on cars or on fridges.
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Shiftschool-Rajiv-Vaid-Basaiawmoit-front view
Century 21 files

The case of Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit

Statement: When things get complex - PLAY not PRAY.
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Friederike Riemer aka Frida Futura at SHIFTSCHOOL in front view
Century 21 files

The case of Friederike Riemer aka Frida Futura

Statement: Check out my bicycle calves
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Nele Fischer Shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Nele Fischer

Statement: Dare to be the change that you want to see in this world
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Vivienne Ming Shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Vivienne Ming

Statement: Look Out! There’s a man in the back seat of your car!
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Serafine Klarwein Seraf al Zaurak shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Seraf al Zaurak

Statement: Don´t Read This! (Drive home safely and read a book.)
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Matthias Lenssen shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Matthias Lenssen

Statement: Once in a while take a deep breath and smile.
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Gabriel McIntyre shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Gabriel McIntyre

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Della Z Duncan shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Della Z Duncan

Statement: Leave everyone and every place better than found
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Alis Anagnostakis shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Alis Anagnostakis

Statement: When you know your WHY, any HOW becomes possible!
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Patrycja Pielaszek front view
Century 21 files

The case of Patrycja Pielaszek

Statement: COME AS YOU ARE. Your ‘imperfections’ are welcome here.
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Suyog Sunil Risbud front view
Century 21 files

The case of Suyog Sunil Risbud

Statement: Either I am ahead of you or ~40,000km behind you! Your call 🙂
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Bonnie Lorraine Smith front view
Century 21 files

The case of Bonnie Lorraine Smith

Statement: Stop driving so close – better yet, stop driving and rewild this asphalt!
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kristen davis front view shiftschool
Century 21 files

The case of Kristen Davis

Statement: No words, but something LiDAR could read as that’s what’ll soon be driving the cars around us.
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Maf’j Alvarez front view
Century 21 files

The case of Maf'j Alvarez

Statement: I want to stop overthinking, but can't think how!
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Manda Scott front view
Century 21 files

The case of Manda Scott

Statement: What would your grandkids' grandkids say of your life?
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Philo van Kemenade front view
Century 21 files

The case of Philo van Kemenade

Statement: As simple as possible, as complex as necessary
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Edda Luisa Kruse Rosset front view
Century 21 files

The case of Edda Kruse Rosset

Statement: Trust your own desire instead of asking others what you should seek.
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Saint front view
Century 21 files

The case of S.A.I.N.T. or Synthetic Autonomous Intelligence Networking Technology

Statement: “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”
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Sven Lindberg front view
Century 21 files

The case of Sven Lindberg

Statement: If you are reading this for more than 20 minutes, you better start walking!
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Amrei Andrasch front view
Century 21 files

The case of Amrei Andrasch

Statement: „I'm sick of being stuck on these cars! Let’s go green!“
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Zoe Nogai front view
Century 21 files

The case of Zoe Nogai

Statement: Calm the f*ck down. You’ll never ever find a sticker on my stuff though.
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Thor van Horn front view
Century 21 files

The case of Thor van Horn

Statement: Humour can save us, but without love it is only irony.
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Ulrike Reinhard front view
Century 21 files

The case of Ulrike Reinhard

Statement: Live your own life! Don't waste your time dreaming of being someone else!
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Miikka Leinonen front view
Century 21 files

The case of Miikka Leinonen

Statement: Set your ideas free. They will come someday with their friends.
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Bettina von Stamm
Century 21 files

The case of Bettina von Stamm

Statement: In every small detail you see the whole picture, if you know how to look.
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Self leadership


SELBSTFÜHRUNG \zɛlpst ˈfyːʁʊŋ \ EINE DEFINITION: Selbstführung ist die Fähigkeit, einen Wachstumspfad zur persönlichen Exzellenz zu beschreiten. Was auch immer dies sein mag.…
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