Shiftschool Guidebook

A Guidebook for Century 21

Transformation Guidelines for Game Changers

Inga Höltmann Shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Inga Höltmann

Statement: Ich bremse auch für Vollidioten.

person suspected of really, really anchoring New Work in work environments by openly sharing her own transformation story and showing people how to experience true self efficacy. [cto]

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David Gray Shiftschool portrait front view
Century 21 files

The case of Dave Gray

Statement: If it can’t be drawn, it can’t be done.

person suspected of imagining a future with visual thinking trying to eradicate the astonishing ability of human beings to miscommunicate and misunderstand one another. [cto]

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TRANSFORMATIVE LEADERSHIP \ tran(t)s-ˈfȯr-mə-tiv ˈlē-dər-ˌship \ A DEFINITION: The Transformative Leadership model is a collective approach of leadership beyond immediate self-interest in order…
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Vera Schneevoigt - front view
Century 21 files

The case of Vera Schneevoigt

Statement: We are all humans - Diversity matters

person suspected of quitting her Chief Digital Officer job at Bosch to care for her parents and showing others what true leadership really is about. [cto]

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Hannes Kranzfelder
Century 21 files

The Case of Hannes Kranzfelder

Statement: nobreaklights or no brakelights

person suspected of readjusting his priorities in the middle of his life – leaving behind his corporate career to follow his well-balanced passions as a life guard, yoga instructor, and stage builder. [cto]

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Serafine Klarwein Seraf al Zaurak shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The Case of Seraf al Zaurak

Statement: Don´t Read This! (Drive home safely and read a book.)

person suspected of taking people on an Alice-in-Wonderland-tour towards inner childhood to let their souls play freely within a safe experience for exploring the edges of their imaginations. [cto]

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Thomas Escher front view
Century 21 files

The case of Thomas Escher

Statement: Even a genius needs luck

person suspected of being a driver of innovation, designing new products and creating new market believing that crazy times needs even better marketing. [cto]

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Roz Savage front view
Century 21 files

The case of Roz Savage

Statement: Live life large

person suspected of being the first (and so far only) woman to row solo across the world’s “Big Three” oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian and teaching others about sustainability, courage, resilience, and change. [cto]

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Gabriel McIntyre shiftschool front view
Century 21 files

The case of Gabriel McIntyre


person suspected of being a video geek, game designer, digital artist, and ordained Dudeist Priest in just one person who loves to use new technologies to tell new (gamified) stories. [cto]

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About this Guidebook

If you are on uncertain terrain, you need guidelines (there are no exact plans anyway). And if you want to change things for the better on uncertain terrain, you need transformative guidelines.

This is exactly why the Guidebook for Century 21 came into being. As inspiration for those who want to change the game. Of course, we were also inspired. No idea is really new. Our source of inspiration was Douglas Adams. This Guidebook is a tribute to “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” which is still unsurpassed today.

Transformation guidelines: How to lead sustainable change

Over 40 years after its initial publication, ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide’ is a classic in science fiction literature. We Hitchhiker fans still enjoy the witty characters, the absurd plots, and the subtle lessons that have perpetuated the cultural legacy. The Guide is always a gentle reminder of our human frailties and the fact that despite all the challenges, life is not to be taken entirely too seriously after all.

The guide asks us if it really makes sense to search for the meaning of life. Just like supercomputer Deep Thought, which spits out the answer to the question of all questions after a lot of calculating, but without having understood the actual question. To us Shiftshapers, the number 42 stands as a symbol for the absurdities that we humans get up to every day. 42 is the reminder that we should finally stop searching for a solution to every problem. Instead, we should start looking for the important questions. Again and again.

strictly opinionated transformalism for worldchangers

narrowcasting since tomorrow