BIG MAGIC: Creative Living Beyond Fear

BIG MAGIC: Creative Living Beyond Fear transformation book

by Elizabeth Gilbert

This small, spiritual book by Elizabeth Gilbert is a guide to find your creative genius and give it the room to blossom despite what our inner fears might tell us. A good inspiration to challenge our attitudes and rethink our habits to live a more creative life.

No matter if you are more on the materialistic or idealistic side of things, this book provides a lot of straight talking insights of what it means to live a creative life. It is one of the most honest discussions about the creative process that I’ve ever read.

Don’t be confused by the playful and conversational tone though. Gilbert does away with the unrealistic expectations attributed with creativity. She asks us to approach our creativity with curiosity and openness, with playfulness and joy— even when things get difficult.

Even when there is no cheering audience and immediate reward waiting for us. Liz Gilbert taught me that I must own my creativity and also stay light with it. Every time self-doubt and inner fear try to take over the steering wheel, this book reminds me that I need to do what I naturally feel compelled to do without letting fear stop me from doing it.

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