It’s been six years since we founded Germany’s first Academy for Digital Transformation. Back then, we set out to create immersive learning experiences for digital leaders to prepare them specifically for the challenges of the VUCA world. Now almost two years into the pandemic, we no longer need to explain to anyone what VUCA feels like. But the question of HOW to navigate through this uncertainty remains. So, there is still a lot to transform ( rather more than ever). Meanwhile, we have to deal not only with Digital Transformation, but also with Sustainable Transformation, Cultural Transformation, and even Societal Transformation. A lot of transformation for our already strained souls.
Having diligently tackled the WHY and the WHAT of change over the last few years (and continuing to do so), we took advantage of the big break to address the question of HOW we can better meet the great challenges of our time; HOW transformation can succeed in a sustainable way; and HOW SHIFTSCHOOL can play as an agent for transformation.
At the beginning, we asked ourselves three central questions:
First, have we made progress in Digital Transformation or do we not need to understand change more holistically in order to change things sustainably?
Second, what lessons can we learn from the last few years in order to continue to be a school that leads the way in terms of state-of-the-art learning experiences?
And third, does a separate consideration of professional and private development still make sense when work and leisure are increasingly merging?
Our answer, in a nutshell, is Transformative Leadership and Lifelong Learning. This is why we have transformed ourselves – from academy to learning club, from digital to holistic transformation. With SHIFTSHAPE CLUB, we are now breaking new ground. You cannot expect to change others if you don’t transform yourself.
That is a core value of our family and SHIFTSCHOOL. Now, after testing the newly-developed SHIFTSHAPE® framework in various formats this year, we are now very excited to launch – live and in color – again in January with both the SHAPE Leadership Trek and the SHIFT Growth Path. The CLUB will follow in summer. We look forward to seeing you there.
Find more Wisdom of the Kraut here.