Think slow, act firm.

Tobias Burkhardt Shiftschool

Even though VUCA has been my business for years, it is sometimes quite hard to tolerate. Even for such die-hard change fans as me. At first glance, everything seems to be going according to plan again. But the ongoing crisis mode is actually poison for transformation.

It’s true that a lot has changed, but only as a result of pressure from outside. The circumstances may well be different then, but our attitude has by no means changed. On the contrary! Those who fight crises make as few risky decisions as possible and always fall back on existing, already learned behavior patterns.

All in all, not good ground for transformation and new leadership models. Addressing this is not easy. But I am all the more grateful for the open exchange with many colleagues and customers who are struggling with the same challenges.

And of course, this very situation also offers plenty of opportunities. If we accept that we can’t change the circumstances. And instead focus on what we can really influence. Then we find new freedom to see things we wouldn’t have seen before. Only then we look at adversity as an opportunity to find out what we are actually capable of.

This has little to do with ‘better done, than prfect’. Rather, it has to do with composure and discipline. Decisive action is only possible if we take the time to think things through beforehand. Only then

1. we find the right entry point.
2. we develop the necessary patience to experiment.
3. we can challenge conventions and create something truly unique.
4. we find ways to minimize risk.
5. we can value the process as much as the result.
6. we keep going, even though behind the mountain we have just climbed, the next one is surely waiting.

With this attitude, we have been extraordinarily productive, despite all the difficulties. We’ve built a new home for SHIFTSCHOOL, launched a new portrait format for transformational role models, and tested the first prototypes for the SHIFTSHAPE CLUB. We are very much looking forward to everything that is coming – no matter what may happen around us. cto

Find more Wisdom of the Kraut here.

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