THE INFINITE GAME: How Great Businesses Achieve Long-Lasting Success

The infinite game transformation book

by Simon Sinek

Ever since I read Mindset by Carol Dweck for the first time more than ten years ago, this topic is on the top of my list. In the meantime, changing attitudes has become the core of my work at SHIFTSCHOOL. Last year, Simon Sinek, whose Golden Circle has also been part of our toolbox for some time, has also written a fundamental work on how mindsets can manifest themselves in organizations.

Carol Dweck has explored why there are people with a Fixed Mindset and those with a Growth Mindset. Simon Sinek applied this ideas and merged it with James P. Carse’s similarly titled book. Sinek finds a simple as well as ingenious explanation of how Fixed and Growth Mindsets evolve into a finite or infinite dichotomy at an organizational level. Until now, most organizations have played the finite game of winning and losing. They are driven by short-term gains and shareholder demands. Most of them are primarily aiming at measurable results trying to outperform their competitors. But the time seems ripe for businesses to start out playing an infinite game. They need to make decisions to shift from a previous finite to adopting an infinite mindset. A mindset that builds upon a just cause, trust among all stakeholders, and the courage to lead organizations beyond the point of earning money.

I am deeply convinced that all Transformative Leaders must necessarily adopt an Infinite Mindset. It will be both necessary to personally grow in the ever-changing world and to future-proof the organizations in which we work.  This book is an inspiration for how we can contribute solving the grand challenges that lie ahead of us.

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