by Bronnie Ware
No one likes to talk about death. But this touching book by Bronnie Ware reminds us that we should. In our modern societies, we have pushed away the fact that we all have to die – to the farthest corners of our lives.
Our culture has no concept of stopping. Everything is supposed to grow and grow and never stop. And that is how we live our lives. In the false conviction that all the things we would have liked to have done already, we will surely be able to do later. Sometime there will be time. We just need to quickly…
and then ‘one day baby, we’ll be old and think of all the stories that we could have told’. And then, we only have time to regret not having done it after all. The stories Bronnie tells us are exactly these if-only stories.
Interestingly enough, they are never about “I wish I had worked more, earned more, or bought more …”, but about … (you will find it out). This little book gives us hope to lead a better life by feeling kinder towards yourself and others, and more determined to live the life we are truly here to live. There is a lot to be learned from the Dearly Departing.
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